Here Are 5 Ways You Can Prevent a Dental Emergency

Posted on: 6 May 2021

A dental emergency can cause days, weeks, or even months of pain and care, not to mention the financial cost. Dental emergencies can result from anything from a broken tooth to an abscessed gum, and it is important that you take measures to prevent them. Here are five ways to help prevent dental emergencies.

1. Don't underestimate interdental cleaning

Interdental cleaning is the removal of food particles and debris from between your teeth. Using a toothbrush to clean interdental spaces effectively removes plaque and food debris, which helps keep your teeth cleaner. It also helps prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, gum disease, and broken teeth.

2. See your dentist twice yearly

The best way to protect your oral health is to see your dentist twice each year for a thorough checkup. Your dentist can assess the overall condition of your teeth and gums and help you develop an action plan to prevent future problems. The earlier you catch and treat problems like gum disease, the less likely they are to develop into an emergency situation.

3. Don't forget to wear a mouthguard when playing sports

Staying active by playing sports is great for your health, but certain sports can be harmful to your teeth if you're not careful. If you play a sport where you could get hit in the face, such as baseball, soccer, or martial arts, it is recommended that you wear a mouth guard to prevent broken teeth from occurring. It is also important to wear a mouthguard when you participate in activities such as cycling, skateboarding, and BMX riding, as accidents can easily lead to knocked-out teeth.

4. Eat less candy

Eating too much candy can lead to tooth decay, which is a very common oral health problem in our country. Cariogenic bacteria that thrive on carbohydrates are responsible for causing tooth decay. When you eat high-carbohydrate or sugary foods, the bacteria release acids that attack your tooth enamel and cause cavities. In turn, these cavities can weaken your teeth, leading them to break when you least expect it.

5. Don't ignore any tooth problems you might be experiencing 

Aside from semi-annual check-ups, don't hesitate to visit your dentist if you notice a problem with your teeth. Even seemingly minor issues like slight bleeding or bad breath can indicate a more serious problem. While it may be easy to ignore these problems, the longer they go unchecked, the more likely you are to face cracked, broken, or lost teeth. Talk to a family dentist for more information.


Living with Crohn's Disease

When I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease ten years ago, there was so much information about the condition for me to try and absorb. It was a confusing time, but over the years, I've learned a lot about this illness and the treatment options that are available. I started this blog to share my personal journey of trying various prescription drugs and undergoing bowel surgery in a bid to bring about disease remission. I also post about complementary therapies I have used to ease my symptoms, such as homeopathy and reflexology. I hope you find my blog interesting and useful.

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