3 Steps To Prepare For Your First Prenatal Visit To The Gynaecologist

Posted on: 22 May 2018

Pregnancy test turned out positive? Your blood tests showing a rising HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels? Congratulations! You're having a baby. Now your next step is to visit the gynaecologist to ensure you're on the right track. But when you've never had a baby before, you probably don't know what to do. This guide will help you prepare for your first prenatal visit.

Be Prepared With Details Of Your Medical History

Your gynaecologist will want to know all details of your medical history in order to ensure you have the safest pregnancy possible. This may include prescribing treatments to bring certain conditions to normal levels. For example, if you have thyroid or high blood pressure, your doctor may review existing medication and may make changes to ensure the treatment keeps up with the changing hormones in your body. Your doctor will also want to know the date of your last menstruation period to determine your expected delivery date. If you have had any history of miscarriages, abortions, ovarian cysts and other conditions that could directly affect the pregnancy, you must be open about them to keep your baby as safe as possible.

List Down All Medications You Are Taking

Even if they seem insignificant, make sure you list down every medicine you take so that the doctor is fully aware of what you are putting into your body. This can help him or her make certain recommendations to ensure a safer pregnancy. For example, some anti-depressants may cause birth defects in unborn babies, so your doctor may switch your dose or recommend stopping them completely for the duration of your pregnancy. Sometimes you can end up forgetting about certain medications so you are better off writing them down before your first prenatal visit.

Keep Track Of Your Past Diet

While you probably haven't thought much about what your diet has been in the past, your pregnancy may require certain dietary changes. For example, if you've been a heavy meat eater and light on the vegetables, your doctor may recommend switching to a more balanced diet. If you're used to eating salads from delis, your doctor may recommend avoiding them because of the possibility of listeria growing in raw foods. Be as truthful as possible and follow your doctor's advice to keep your child safer in your womb.

Pregnancy is exciting, but you must be careful with several things. Be sure to prepare well for your first prenatal visit with the gynaecologist. 


Living with Crohn's Disease

When I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease ten years ago, there was so much information about the condition for me to try and absorb. It was a confusing time, but over the years, I've learned a lot about this illness and the treatment options that are available. I started this blog to share my personal journey of trying various prescription drugs and undergoing bowel surgery in a bid to bring about disease remission. I also post about complementary therapies I have used to ease my symptoms, such as homeopathy and reflexology. I hope you find my blog interesting and useful.

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